Image of Dare to Lead by Brene Brown book cover

Dare to Lead by Brene Brown Takeaways

Dare to Lead by Brene brown challenges traditional ideas of leadership that favour stoicism and rigid authority.

In contrast, renowned author Brown advocates for a more human-centric and compassionate approach to mentorship and leadership.

Through diligent research and lived experience, her book Dare to Lead illustrates how vulnerability, something we’re conditioned to view as weakness, builds thriving people and workplaces.

Here are 3 takeaways to help you become a ‘Daring leader’:

Takeaway 1: Powerful leadership comes from emotional bravery

As a leader, you become an anchor of accountability and direction for your team.

Inevitably, you have to make difficult decisions and have tough conversations, whether that is with a struggling team member or a disgruntled business partner.

Feeling uncomfortable and uncertain about how to best navigate these situations is normal and human despite what we are lead to believe.

Additionally, the illusion of control can come at a great cost and possibly sacrifice the opportunity for amazing collaborative efforts by the people rallying around you.

Self-understanding and validating the experiences of others are key to creating a meaningful and constructive outcome.

Takeaway 2: Psychological safety empowers purpose

Conversations that allow the safe, non-judgmental exchange of ideas, emotions and perspectives go a long way in developing trust and positive relationships.

Being honest about your feelings, fears and excitements demonstrates authenticity, humanizing and giving greater heart to your collective goal.

The trust and level of connection that can result is monumental in team bonding and inspiring intentional, impactful work.

Takeaway 3: Clear core values are key for success

Core values are the foundation of your identity as a person and as a business. During failure, they should offer a safe place to land and inspire fortitude.

On a personal level, Brown recommends narrowing down your core values to 2. Based on her research, leaders with 10+ core values demonstrated less focus and clear direction.

Too many core values can confuse your decision-making processes, stunting progress.

Which of these takeaways resonate most with you?

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